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Your Shelbyville Times-Gazette newspaper works hard to create positive relationships with members of the community to build a loyal customer base. By advertising with our trusted local newspaper, you can build a positive reputation in the community simply through us.

Print & online advertising can make your marketing budget more efficient and effective with the variety of placements and inserts available within our newspaper. Use your only hometown newspaper to reach an interested audience less expensively. Local print advertising offers a wide range of options that can fit nearly any budget. Your print ad will be around longer in a newspaper that tends to be passed around from reader to reader, expanding your viewership. Newspapers & magazines are often on display in offices, shops, and other venues for a long period of time. Online advertising is 24/7 at t-g.com

You can ultimately reach a larger audience in environments like these.

Let us help you with all of your marketing needs!

Contact us for all of your print, online & commercial printing needs!

931-684-1200 or email to: dawn@t-g.com